Tuesday 27 January 2015

Music Theme Production

For my second assignment for audio and music for games, I had to craft three music pieces for a proposed game idea. The music pieces should fit the proposed theme. The music pieces must last for at least 1 minute to a maximum of 1 minute and 10 seconds and loop-able, I used MixCraft6 to craft my music piece. After I was done, I did some editing in Audacity to finish it. 

Game Idea:
Theme: Fantasy Fighting
Set in a fantasy world, the players control the main character and navigate through his village to seek the dragon that killed his brother. Along the way, he has to defeat monsters in order to reach the dragon which has set up its nest in the forest. The main character finally reaches the nest and has a final face off with the dragon.

Level 1: I made it sound peaceful and calming as the music will be used at the main character’s village. As the scene is peaceful, the music does not have any loud sounds.

Level 2: It is used as the battle music played when the main character is in combat with monsters. As there are actions about to take place, I composed the music with several lively loops to make it feel energetic.

Level 3: This music is for the final battle against the dragon. I tried to make the music sound epic and full of loud loops to build up the hype and anticipation as well as to get players more pumped up.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Music Production

For my first assignment for audio and music for games, I had to incorporate 7 sounds givens as well as using music loop from GarageBand to craft a music piece must last 1 minute to 1 minute and 10 seconds, After I was done crafting the music piece, I did some editing in Audacity to finish the music piece. This is my end result.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Maya Texturing

For my next assignment for Maya, I had to uv unwrap and texture the dragon model I did for an earlier assignment. Because of time constraints, i did the uv unwrapping badly and it resulted in a weird texturing for parts of the dragon.

Credits for the scale texture: http://www.deviantart.com/morelikethis/86334408
Credits for the eye texture: http://community.thefoundry.co.uk/discussion/topic.aspx?f=15&t=61744
Credits for the wall texture: https://www.filterforge.com/filters/7766.html

Monday 1 September 2014

Maya Modelling

So, I had an assignment for a 3d modelling course and it required me to model anything i wanted in Maya. I decided to model a dragon and this is the end result.

Credits for the dragon blueprints: http://onilink1993.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-blueprints-327173884

Monday 25 August 2014

MeltDown Level Designs

As the level designer for my flash game, MeltDown, created by Muffin Dragons, I came up with 5 levels for the game including the tutorial. Do try out the game and hope you like it.

Props descriptions with place holder images.

Tutorial level with props placement.

Tutorial level with updated ice and rock blocks.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Monday 28 July 2014


This is a playable, work in progress flash game, named MeltDown, created by Muffin Dragons.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Bacteria Wipeout Game

Playable game of Bacteria Wipeout has been uploaded under "Bacteria WIpeout" tab. Enjoy.