Sunday 27 October 2013

Board Game Proposal

This is my proposed idea for my board game.

Name of board game : Rabbit Apocalypse
      1) What is the game idea about?
The game is about an evil scientist producing a concoction that turns rabbits into giant evil rabbits. The players are hunters who seek to rid of the giant evil rabbits to keep the town safe.

      2) Why do players want to play your game? What is the unique selling point?
The game utilizes an event deck that will cause random events that cause even more mayhem or blessing to the game. It also offers strategic planning and sabotaging as players have to think of ways to clear the rabbits on his board first before any other players. Most board game requires you to have more assets while this game requires you to clear your assets first.

      3) Who is the target audience?
Teens and young adults.

      4) How is the game played?

Number of players
2-4 players

As a rabbit hunter, you have to get rid of all the rabbits in your board. The first player to do so wins.

Game assets
4 Boards
1 Deck of 30 event cards
1 Deck of 85 normal cards
100 rabbits

Gameplay (Turn Based)
Shuffle the event deck and place it in the center.
Shuffle the normal deck and distribute 5 cards to everyone.
Place 15 rabbits on everybody’s board.
Draw 1 card at the start of your turn.
A player is allowed to play up to 2 cards from his/her hands per turn. A player may also choose to pass.
At the end of the turn, the player will open the topmost event card and carry out the action stated.
Turn will then end and proceed to the next player.

A player can only have a maximum of 8 cards in his/her hands.
A player can only have a maximum of 25 rabbits in his/her boards.
A player may draw 3 cards in his/her next turn if he/her has no cards in his/her hands.
All used cards are to put in a discard pile beside the deck and reshuffle it and use it as a new deck if the deck runs out of cards. Similarly for the event deck.
A player may only have a maximum of 3 item cards on his/her board. If the player plays another item card, he must discard 1 item card from his/her board with no refunds
A player may choose to discard 1 card during his/her turn but is unable to play any cards.
No change will be provided. Example, a player steals 50 Money and you only have a 100 Money card, you have to give the 100 Money card and receive no change back. Similarly for the item cards.
Item cards are permanent.
For Unlucky gambler, you have to pay the amount rounding off to nearest 50 or 100. Example, you have 150 Money, you have to pay 75 Money which is half the amount. Rounding off, you have to pay 100 Money instead as there is no 75 Money card.

Idea inspiration
Giza the Pyramid Building Game -
Normal Deck list of cards

Money card
10 x 200 Money
10 x 100 Money
10 x 50 Money

Item cards
5 x Teleporter
No effect. Needed for teleportation card.
Cost 150 Money

2 x  Banking system
Reduce the effect of gold reducing event cards by 50 Money
Cost 200 Money

1 x Curse rabbit staff
Removes 5 rabbits on your board. At the end of your turn, add 1 rabbit onto your board. Cannot be switched with the item switcher. Cannot be replace with another item card. Cannot be used when you have 5 rabbits or lesser.
Cost 100 Money

2 x Automated rockets
Remove 2 rabbit at the end of your turn
Cost 350 Money

3 x Trap bait
Remove 1 rabbit at the end of your turn
Cost 150 Money

Action cards
5 x Item disabler
Disable an item for 1 turn

10 x Teleportation
Teleports 2 rabbits from your board to any other board. Requires teleporter card

7 x Petty thief
Steals 50 Money from any player

1 x Ultimate burglar
Steals any item from any player

8 x Hunting time
Remove 1 rabbit from your board

1 x Item switcher
Switch 1 of your item with any item from the other players

3 x Rabbit bait
Places it in any player's item zone. Place 2 rabbits at end of the player's turn.

1 x Rampage killing
Remove 3 rabbit from your board

5 x More cards
Draws 2 card from the deck.

1 x Item destroyer
Destroys any item on the board.

Event Deck of cards
5 x Do nothing
No effect

4 x Add 1 rabbits
Add 1 rabbits to all the player

1 x Massive rabbits
Double the rabbits in all the boards

1 x Add 3 rabbit
Add 3 rabbits to your board

1 x Earthquake mayhem
Remove 5 rabbits from all the boards

2 x Mini quake
Remove 1 rabbit from all the board

2 x Thunderstorm
Remove 3 rabbits from your board

2 x Helpful player
The next player only needs to pay half the cost to play an item card

3 x Evil player
The next player needs to pay twice the cost to play an item card

5 x Skip
Skip the next player turn

1 x Extortion
Steals 100 gold from all the players

2 x Robin hood
Takes 150 gold from the richest player and give it to the poorest player

1 x Unlucky gambler

Loses half of your gold   

Friday 25 October 2013

Assignment for GDP

So, during my Games Design Principles (GDP), i was tasked to find out the 8 elements in a board game. This is what i found out from Dungeon Twister.

(Link for image -

1) Number of players : 2
2) Goals/Objectives/Aims : To acquire 5 victory points before your opponent to win the game.
3) Setup procedures : Flip the 8 map board facedown, shuffle and place it between the 2 starting line tile. Each player will choose 4 character tokens and place them in the map.
4) Summary of rules : Each turn, players are to play an action card that will give the players action points. Players will then carry out the actions by consuming the action points. If a character token lost a fight, it is wounded and thus, unable to carry out any offensive action. Characters may not end their turn on a unit or the trap tile.
5) Game components : 1 Rule book. 2 Quick reference sheet. 2 Starting line tile. 10 Action markers (5 blue and 5 orange). 8 map board. 16 character tokens (8 for each player). 12 Item tokens (6 for each player). 16 Character cardboard figurines and plastic base (8 for each player). 20 Portcullis marker. 32 Cards consisting of 18 combat cards, 6 jump cards and 8 action cards (16 for each player)
6) Conflict : 2 Teams of adventurers are trapped in a maze.
7) Boundaries/Limitations : The boundaries is the 8 map board between the 2 starting line tile and the limitations is that in the first round, the first player can only play a 2 action card, while the second player can play an action card that is lower, equal or higher by 1 of the previous action card till the 4 action card is played.
8) Outcomes/Victory conditions : The first player to acquire 5 victory points wins.

Monday 21 October 2013

Idea Inspiration for Board Game Project 2

Sadly, i still do not have a clear idea for what i want to make for my board game. Thus, i decided to try out more board game as inspirations.


(Link for image -

A game which requires you to create an area as big as possible in order to score points. You will also need to think strategically which offer should you take to help you expand your empire and to score as much points as possible

San Juan
(Link for image -

A game which has five different roles and act on a round by round basis. The five different roles (Prospector, Councillor, Builder, Trader, Producer) will carry out different actions. The main objectives is to utilize the roles and buildings well in order to score as much victory points as possible

Both game utilizes strategic planning in order to win. The gameplay require you to think of several steps ahead in order to win. The rules was fairly long and complicated, but once we try it out. It was fairly easy to understand and have fun.

I would most likely make a strategic board game and i will try to add in simple rules to make it easier to read and understand so players would not spend a large amount of time figuring out how the game works. 

Saturday 19 October 2013

Idea Inspiration for Board Game Project

So, this semester, one of my major projects tasked is to create a board game. Sounds easy? Haha, i wish. Firstly, to come out with a game, an idea need to be generated and then proposed. If the proposed idea is approved, then come the process of designing and producing the assets of the game. Multiple game testing should be involved to improve game ideas and game rules.

For my inspiration, I have tried out and played these two games.

Giza the Pyramid Building Game
(Link for image -

A game which requires you to build pyramids on the board and the one with the most score will win.

(Link for image -

A game that has two roles - Gold Miners and Saboteurs. The aim of the gold miners is to forge a path to the finishing cards to get the gold while the aim of the saboteur is the disrupt the gold miners and prevent them from reaching the gold.

Both game utilizes strategic planning in order to win. It felt fun and engaging playing these games as it is a game of sabotaging one another and at the same time, you have to think of ways to win the game.

Based on these two inspiration, the board game which i plan to create would be a fun and engaging game, which requires strategic movement and planning. A game which most likely will cater for the teens and young adults. If possible, i would try to think of ways to improve the gameplay and rules making it easier and fun.

Some of my Illustrations

Here are some of my best illustration which i did on illustrator for one of my assignment, Hero's Journey for History of Theories & Ideas 1 (HTI1). It isn't perfect, but i'm happy and proud of it.

Main Character

Angel (Companion) - Original image used :

A perfect and ideal clone