Friday 25 October 2013

Assignment for GDP

So, during my Games Design Principles (GDP), i was tasked to find out the 8 elements in a board game. This is what i found out from Dungeon Twister.

(Link for image -

1) Number of players : 2
2) Goals/Objectives/Aims : To acquire 5 victory points before your opponent to win the game.
3) Setup procedures : Flip the 8 map board facedown, shuffle and place it between the 2 starting line tile. Each player will choose 4 character tokens and place them in the map.
4) Summary of rules : Each turn, players are to play an action card that will give the players action points. Players will then carry out the actions by consuming the action points. If a character token lost a fight, it is wounded and thus, unable to carry out any offensive action. Characters may not end their turn on a unit or the trap tile.
5) Game components : 1 Rule book. 2 Quick reference sheet. 2 Starting line tile. 10 Action markers (5 blue and 5 orange). 8 map board. 16 character tokens (8 for each player). 12 Item tokens (6 for each player). 16 Character cardboard figurines and plastic base (8 for each player). 20 Portcullis marker. 32 Cards consisting of 18 combat cards, 6 jump cards and 8 action cards (16 for each player)
6) Conflict : 2 Teams of adventurers are trapped in a maze.
7) Boundaries/Limitations : The boundaries is the 8 map board between the 2 starting line tile and the limitations is that in the first round, the first player can only play a 2 action card, while the second player can play an action card that is lower, equal or higher by 1 of the previous action card till the 4 action card is played.
8) Outcomes/Victory conditions : The first player to acquire 5 victory points wins.

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